Not very happy with today's work. Couldn't finish an assignment for another class which brings me behind schedule. I'm also feeling burnt out and not quite sure what is going to happen to my progress. I'm a little over a minute in rough revisions- basically halfway. I think what I need to do is just start animating for the first half and maybe as I go, I can come up with revisions for the second half. I just find myself getting frustrated on certain parts. I've made a lot of changes for the first half the past week but I just don't know if I provided enough of the right scenes. I want to show more how where the character is located- not sure if the audience can catch that she's in her bedroom. I also want to show that she is sleep deprived, waking up in the afternoon, but also falling asleep as she's trying to start her day. I don't think that point is getting across but I'm also concerned with the film length. I think I'm going to call it a night since I'm not making progress. I hope I feel better tomorrow.
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